Joe Wicentowski’s blog—a place for thoughts longer than a tweet, shorter than a book
Converting Roman numerals with XQuery & XSLT I–IV
Catching up
A preview of XQuery 3.1's JSON support in eXist
eXist: the indispensable guide
A Google Chrome bookmarklet for fixing URLs with DNS errors
Filling PDF forms with PDFtk, XFDF, and XQuery
Jekyll blogging in the browser with
Mobile blogging with Jekyll
Goodbye Tumblr, hello GitHub
XQuery's missing third function
Living in an OAuth & JSON World
Trimming text without cutting off words, using XQuery
One paragraph, many sentences
Reflections on learning XQuery
John Horlivy Remembered
Keep writing
Upside down
An under-appreciated use for XQuery: wrangling plain text
Why eXist should be in every digital humanist's toolkit
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